401 bearing issues

301, 401, plinths and assorted idler stuff
steve s
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#61 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by steve s »

Those of you that heard my 301/ decca ffss combo at the last owston I think where left impressed ?
I know I was !
It's not been used since though

I also have a grease bearing 301 and a tube of the original grease !
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#62 Re: 401 bearing issues

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I think paul means vinylandvalves steve
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Cressy Snr
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#63 Re: 401 bearing issues

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Well he didn't mean me :D
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#64 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by shane »

Paul Barker wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:46 amNow Ive no idea if anything Shane said has any relevance to the grease bearing Garrard either.
Probably not!
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#65 Re: 401 bearing issues

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Ant wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:12 am I think paul means vinylandvalves steve
Thanks Ant, I had realised that. I was just adding my twopenith, I'm personally quite impressed by the 301
The tube manual is quite like a telephone book. The number of it perfect. It is useful to make it possible to speak with a girl. But we can't see her beautiful face from the telephone number
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Paul Barker
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#66 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by Paul Barker »

I find it better than the 401, and I compared mine to a Girodec Marble plinth, which was a tiny bit better in the top end. The 301 won hands down everywhere else especially bass. I sold the Girodec.
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Ali Tait
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#67 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by Ali Tait »

steve s wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:56 am Those of you that heard my 301/ decca ffss combo at the last owston I think where left impressed ?
I know I was !
It's not been used since though

I also have a grease bearing 301 and a tube of the original grease !
Yep, sounded good to me Steve. Must get that C4E fettled…
Daniel Quinn
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#68 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by Daniel Quinn »

Right so I've pointed to a chart which establishes any oil will do , but people prefer personnel testimony , humour and the mysterious difference between a 301 and 401.

I give up.
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Cressy Snr
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#69 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by Cressy Snr »

As someone primarily concerned with establishing the facts, it can’t be easy having to read subjectivist claptrap like this. You have my sympathy. It must be terribly frustrating to have to witness old men talking complete bollocks day in, day out about what grade of oil to put in the bearings of shellac spinning contrivances that long ago, should have been melted down for frying pans.
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#70 Re: 401 bearing issues

Unread post by shane »

Daniel Quinn wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:51 pm Right so I've pointed to a chart which establishes any oil will do , but people prefer personnel testimony , humour and the mysterious difference between a 301 and 401.

I give up.
The difference between theory and practice is that in theory, theory is always correct whereas in practice, it isn't.

You may have a chart telling you that oils don't make any difference but I have a pair of ears that tell me they do.
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